We Argue Everyday!

My Wife, Koala Deb and I in San Francisco for our 1st Anniversary! We were arguing on the boat, “No! You get the nicer view!”

My Wife, Koala Deb and I in San Francisco for our 1st Anniversary! We were arguing on the boat, “No! You get the nicer view!”

Before my Wife (Koala Deb) and I got married so many people warned us and said, “the first two years of marriage are the hardest.” Couples would let us know that the first two years are the years of arguing the most. It’s been a little over two years and they were absolutely right! People think we are a cute and calm couple but they have no idea we argue everyday! We say things like, “No! I want to do the dishes!” No! I want to do the laundry!” “No! You rest!” “No! You have the last bite!” “No! I’ll drive!”

😂 All those couples were right, we have never argued so much in our lives! While in the kitchen cooking and preparing lunch together I had a thought. I was thinking about how in the Bible it says Jesus is the bridegroom and we the Church ⛪️ are His bride 👰. I love my Wife so much that I am willing to give anything to her, my time, my talents, my treasures and I believe we as followers of Christ are to extend that love to the Church. We are to love then Church ⛪️ like we love our Wife (or Husband). Willing to give up anything just like Jesus gave up everything for His Bride, us. I know it’s a lofty thought but may we meditate on the love of Christ and love of our Church ⛪️ family like we love our wives or husbands. One by one we can be the Church that God intended.

Living God’s Dream Together!

Choong Man Kim (:DK) + Deborah Anne Kim (Koala Deb)

source: DIVIN3KINGDOM.org


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