Welcome to DIVIN3FIVE at 5!

Where we talk about how to grow in our:

  • FA!TH (Motivational Monday)

  • FAM1LY (Together Tuesday)

  • FITNESS (Workout Wednesday)

  • FOCUS (Thoughtful Thursday)

  • FINANCE$ (Fund Friday)

From the Biblical Perspective.

Today is Tuesday so we are going to talk about how to grow our DIVIN3FAM1LY!

Proverbs 23:22

Listen to your father who gave you life, and do not despise your mother when she is old.

The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

Children become like their parents.

How are you modeling your life in your home for your spouse, children, and family members?

Is your life inspiring?

Do you family members look at your life and say, “Wow! They are really living for God, I want to be like that.”

Or is your life a warning where people look at your life and say, “Wow! I want to live the opposite of that.

Let’s play red light green light.

What are somethings in your life you need to stop to bless your DIVIN3FAM1LY?

What are somethings in your life you need to start to bless your DIVIN3FAM1LY?

Write a list and let’s simply stop doing things that’s harmful for our families and start the things that are helpful for our families.



  • complaining

  • blaming

  • focusing on things you can’t control

  • eating bad food

  • not exercising

  • not being a part of a Fellowship


  • being thankful + grateful

  • taking ownership

  • focusing on things you can control

  • eating good food

  • exercising

  • being a part of a Fellowship

Let’s write it down and make it happen Captain!

GOD the Father’s love is with you, GOD the Son Jesus’ grace is upon you, and GOD the Holy Spirit is in you,

Ask yourself again these 2 questions:

How am I being a good Godly model?

How am I being a warning?

“Stop blaming others and look at yourself, take ownership and make a change for God and family today.”

“If you want to see real change, stop playing follow the leader and become the leader to follow.”


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