Welcome to DIVIN3FIVE @5 where we talk about how we can grow in our:

  • FA!TH (Motivational Monday)

  • FAM1LY (Together Tuesday)

  • FITNESS (Workout Wednesday)

  • FOCUS (Thoughtful Thursday)

  • FINANCE$ (Fund Friday)

From the Biblical perspective.

Today is Fund Friday so we’re going to talk about FINANCE$.

Are you a go getter or a go giver?

Two stories in the Bible about finances let’s get it! Uggh!

#1 The rich young ruler - seek out Jesus at night and asks Him, “What must I do to obtain eternal life?”

Jesus starts listing off all the commandments and the rich young rulers is like, “yah yah yah, I done those all.” Then Jesus says, “Sell all your possessions give it away to the poor then come follow me.” Then the rich young ruler like, “Na, I ‘m cool, dueces, peace out, scrtt scrtt, and he’s out.

Then let’s talk about this other dude, let’s make the long story short, get it. His name is Zaccheus and he was stuck in a tree because he’s short like me. Then Jesus looks at Zaccheus and says, “Today I’m going to come eat at your house.” Zaccheus jumps out the tree and he’s super happy and probably did a little dance and starts giving it away giving it away giving it away now and starts giving away all his money because when you have a relationship with Jesus you stop being a go getter and you become a go giver!


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