Welcome to DIVIN3FIVE at 5!

Where we talk about how to grow in our:

  • FA!TH (Motivational Monday)

  • FAM1LY (Together Tuesday)

  • FITNESS (Workout Wednesday)

  • FOCUS (Thoughtful Thursday)

  • FINANCE$ (Fund Friday)

From the Biblical Perspective.

Today is Tuesday so we are going to talk about how to grow our DIVIN3FAM1LY!



Proverbs 6:23

For the commandment is a lamp and the teaching a light, and the reproofs of discipline are the way of life

Poem inspires by Proverbs 6:23

The Word of GOD is like a flashlight in the night

Corrective Discipline is the way of life

We must be continually be corrected and directed in the ways of Christ

Children our a fruit of their parents.

Children reflect who their parents are.

The reason why children are the way they are is because the parents are the way they are.

If a parent is lazy, unfit, and has no purpose.

Their children will be lazy, unfit and have no purpose.

However if a parent is disciplined, fit and has a purpose.

Their children will be disciplined, fit and have a purpose.

As we grow in Christ if our parents do not provide as guiding lights in the person GOD has called us to become we have to find new mentors, books, and internet resources to fill those gaps.

In the game of Basketball there is a starting 5.

Who are your starting 5 in life that resemble Christ?

If you are a man consider these 5 people to surround yourself with:

  1. Godly Husband

  2. Godly Father

  3. Godly Big Brother

  4. Godly Little Brother

  5. Godly “Dream” Brother

If you are a woman consider these 5 people to surround yourself with:

  1. Godly Wife

  2. Godly Mother

  3. Godly Big Sister

  4. Godly Little Sister

  5. Godly “Dream” Sister

Note: The “Dream” Brother of Sister is someone who has the same Dream, Calling, Purpose, Mission GOD has given you.

Let’s pray about and seek out our starting 5 in life for Jesus Christ!

“Who you surround yourself with is who you become.”

Who are you becoming?

“You are the average of the 5 people you hang around with most.”

Choose wisely.

“If you don’t have guiding lights, you will be surrounded by a group of friends in the dark lost together in life.”

Let’s surround ourselves with guiding lights for JESUS CHRIST!

Who’s your starting 5 in life for JESUS CHRIST?


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