Welcome to DIVIN3FIVE at 5!

Where we talk about how to grow in our DIVIN3:

  • FA!TH (Motivational Monday)

  • FAM1LY (Together Tuesday)

  • FITNESS (Workout Wednesday)

  • FOCUS (Thoughtful Thursday)

  • FINANCE$ (Fund Friday)

From the Biblical Perspective.

Today is Monday so we are going to talk about how to grow our DIVIN3FA!TH.

John 4:34

Then Jesus explained: “My nourishment comes from doing the will of God, who sent Me, and from finishing His work.

Jesus was super focused on His specific mission in life for the Glory of GOD. When Jesus said, “My nourishment comes from doing the will of GOD, who sent Me, and from finishing His work.

We can interpret that as Jesus gets “His energy” from doing the will of GOD and finishing His work He sent Him to do.

Family, Friends, Leaders, Pastors, Coaches, Media, all are trying to influence us to go one way or the other but JESUS was super focused on His specific mission in life for the Glory of GOD. Jesus was single focused and only influenced by what GOD wanted Him to focus on and finish.

3 Questions:

What is your specific mission in life for Jesus Christ you need to focus on and finish?

How can you cut out distractions that is slowing you down from your specific mission?

What gives you energy?


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