Elyon Saved My Life!

The JoonShk, :DK, Elyon

The JoonShk, :DK, Elyon

Alone, back home, and hopeless I was in my car, in the garage with all the windows down trying to take my life for the 3rd time with carbon dioxide poisoning. While I was waiting for the garage to fill up with carbon dioxide I got bored so I turned on my phone to listen to music on YouTube. I thought to myself go out to a beautiful soundtrack. Honestly don’t remember the songs I was listening to but the YouTube autoplay went to the song “Fantasia” by Elyon. The song was so full of pain but it also had so much hope. It reminded me that there were other Christian Brothers out there like Elyon + NAK going through struggles but we still had our hope in the eternal giver hope, JESUS! Elyon saved my life!

Thank you Elyon for creating music that gives hope to the hopeless. Your song saved my life and it revived my soul to keep living for the only hope we have in Jesus.

“Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world.”

-Martin Luther


Choong Man Kim (:DK)

Listen to Song: Fantasia by Elyon

Check out Sincerely Music Project by Elyon + NAK, it helped me through the darkest time of my life. The instrumental “Fantasia” was used for “23 Prayers”



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