What Are Your Super Powers?


What are your Super Powers?

If you are a Christian you have what the Bible calls, “Spiritual Gifts” or Spiritual Powers!

They are listed in Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4, and 1 Peter 4.

Figuring out your Spiritual Gifts is like figuring out your position on a sports team, or figuring out what instrument you are playing in a band.

One day at practice when I was coaching High School Basketball I told the team to switch to zone defense. Zone defense is when each player has an area they have to guard on the court rather than guarding a certain player. One of the players didn’t know how to play zone defense so she was out of position and that broke down the defense to let the other team score easily. I had to blow the whistle and switch the player out so I can work with her to have her understand what zone defense was. She became one of the best defensive players on our team after she understood her position on the court.

In the Church I have observed that there are so many people who either don’t know their position or are playing out of position. Just like a Sports Team or a Band the Church should have everyone know their position and play their position well. There should be 100% participation and 100% effort!

Let’s turn our Churches into 3D! Discover, Discipline, and Distribute our Spiritual Super Powers!

3 Tips on Discovering your Spiritual Super Powers

  1. Read & Pray over Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4, and 1 Peter 4

  2. Ask God to reveal your Spiritual Spiritual Super Powers to you

  3. Ask your Spiritual Mentors, Family Members, Brothers and Sisters in Christ what they see in you

(Bonus Tips: Take a Spiritual Gift Test online, or serve like crazy until you find a good fit. It’s kind of like trying out different instruments to see what you are good at or trying different sports to see which one you enjoy.)

3 Tips on Disciplining your Spiritual Super Powers

  1. Learn: Study others with similar powers / gifts!

  2. Train: Exercise your Spiritual Super Powers Everyday!

  3. Plan: Think of ways how you can use your Spiritual Powers to help others!

3 Tips on Distributing your Spiritual Super Powers

  1. Use your Spiritual Super Powers to glorify God!

  2. Use your Spiritual Super Powers to help your Family!

  3. Use your Spiritual Super Powers to serve your Church + Community!

Take this time to write down 3 lists of your different Super Powers

  1. Spiritual Powers

  2. Creative Powers

  3. Athletic Powers

After you have created your lists, think of way you can use them to Glorify God, help your Family, and serve your Church + Community!

You are a SUPER HERO!

You were sent by the Ultimate SUPER HERO…JESUS-MAN!

Let’s be SUPER HEROS of the MOST HIGH by knowing our position and giving 100% participation and 100% effort to God, Family, Church + Community!

Let’s discover, discipline, and distribute our Spiritual, Creative, and Athletic Super Powers for the Glory of God!

Super Hero in Training,

Choong Man Kim (:DK)

Here is a Spiritual Gift List to help you discover your SUPER POWERS!

Spritual Gits Chart Picture.png