Go Deep!

Image by Sue Chastain

Image by Sue Chastain

“Deep calls to deep at the roar of your waterfalls; all your breakers and your waves have gone over me.”

-Psalm 42:7

I don’t know when it started or how I found out about it but sometimes when I study, workout, or eat lunch/dinner with my Wife I will watch and listen to Ocean Sounds on YouTube (link below). Sometimes I even dream about owning an Ocean Front property someday in a secluded and secure area where there is a Costco nearby. Hehe.

While eating lunch with my Wife yesterday instead of paying attention to her I got lost in the beautiful waves and sounds of the ocean on our laptop screen. I drifted into a thought that reminded me of Psalm 42:7 which says, “Deep calls to deep at the roar of your waterfalls; all your breakers and your waves have gone over me.” While looking into the beautiful brilliant and vibrant waves I was thinking how when we go to the beach there are 3 kinds of people at the beach. #1 People who stay out of the water, which is the majority, #2 People who play in the shallows, which is the minority, and finally #3 People who swim into the deep, which is the minority of the minority!

I believe God was trying to remind me using the Ocean that He is out in the deep. He is calling us out to the deep while we might be on the beach lounging or playing in the shallows. However, God is in the deep end of the ocean calling His people to swim with Him even where it might be dangerous or unsafe so let’s put on our goggles and ear plugs and let’s go deep into the Ocean of life where God is calling us to be!

*Goggles- The Bible so we can see clearly under the Ocean.

*Ear Plugs- So we can only hear God’s voice and where He is calling us to.

What do you think is holding you back from “Swimming to the Deep End of Ocean with God?”

Be reminded of the Gospel today that Jesus lived a perfect life, died a perfect death, and came back from death to life so we can be in relationship with Him. In a way He let’s us hold onto His back as He swims out into the deep. All we have to do is be willing to hold on and go with Him!

(Jesus is our surfboard with rocket boosters!) Far out Dude!!! Let’s ride the waves of life with Him!

Let’s Go Swim to the Deep Together with Jesus!

Choong Man Kim (:DK)



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