Super Giovanni!

Giovanni serving as a Waiter at CityTeam Oakland’s Hope Cafe: a Fine Dinning Experience for our Brothers & Sisters in Need.

Giovanni serving as a Waiter at CityTeam Oakland’s Hope Cafe: a Fine Dinning Experience for our Brothers & Sisters in Need.

Look 👀 up in the sky, it’s a bird 🦅, it’s a plane ✈️, it’s SUPER GIOVANNI! When I was working child care at Valley Christian in Dublin there was a boy there named Giovanni. I called him Super Giovanni because he was a super awesome blessing to me and all the other teachers and kids! He is super respectful, kind, and encouraging!

One day I saw Giovanni and two of his friends race towards the swings because there were only two open swings left. Giovanni and one other friend made it first to the two swings so one kid was left with no swing. When Giovanni saw his friend was sad 😢because he didn’t have a swing he said, “you can have my swing I want to go on the monkey bars anyway!”

This is why I call Giovanni Super Giovanni because he is willing to sacrifice for his friends!

Great job Mama Angelina for raising a little Super Hero who gives up his swing for his friends!

Proverbs 22:6 says,
“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

How can we be like Super Giovanni today by giving up something for our friends to show them what Jesus is like?

Jesus said in John 15:13

“Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.”

Let’s be Super Heroes for JESUS-MAN!

Choong Man Kim (:DK)


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