Who are your 12, 3, and 1?


Jesus had 12 Disciples…

  1. Peter

  2. James

  3. John

  4. Andrew

  5. Bartholomew / Nathanael

  6. James the Less / James the Younger

  7. Judas

  8. Jude or Thaddeus

  9. Matthew / Levi

  10. Phillip

  11. Simon the Zealot

  12. Thomas


*Matthias later replaced Judas

It is well documented that Jesus chose to spend more of his time with his 12 Disciples, even more time with his 3 leaders, the “Inner Circle” Peter, James, and John, and the most time with one, John.

Write a list of the 12 most important people in your life?

Circle 3, your inner circle.

Then put a box around the one.

Let’s be intentional and make disciples of Jesus Christ by being aware of the people who God put in our lives and by taking action by intentionally serving, mentoring, and creating for the disciples God has given us.

Also while making your list be mindful of creating a list that is a combination of Pauls, Barnabas’, and Timothies. What I mean by that is Pauls = Mentors, Barnabas’ = Brothers/Sisters in Christ, and Timothies = Disciples/Students.

Let’s Disciple like Jesus,

Choong Man Kim (:DK)

source: DIVIN3KINGDOM.org

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