Die Everyday, Give Everything Away

Giving Lights Up the World Around you…

Giving Lights Up the World Around you…

One common practice of someone who is going to commit suicide is that they start giving away all their most precious possessions to their loved ones. They start giving away their music, books, clothes, jewelry, etc. because the thought is that I’m not going to use them anymore so I might as well give them to the ones I love so they can enjoy them. I know this because I went through this. When I made up mind to take my life I started packing up my most precious possessions and started giving them away. I gathered up my CDS and DVDS and started giving them away. I loaded books in boxes and started giving them away to those who I thought needed them. When people came over my house I would give them my favorite pieces of clothing and also let them go through all my books and take whatever they wanted. I gave away all my Jordans (Shoes) collection to the ones I thought would appreciate it most. This massive giving was actually liberating and deeply enjoyable. Seeing my family and friends light up with such gratefulness and thankfulness made me want to give more and more.

Thank God, I didn’t go through with taking my life but I did learn a valuable lesson. One day we are all going to die and going to the other side and as the saying goes we can’t take anything we have with us. I heard Denzel Washington say, “You’ll Never See a U-haul Behind a Hearse.” So why not start giving away everything we have now?!?

1 Corinthians 15:31

“I protest, brothers, by my pride in you, which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die every day!”

We must die everyday so Christ can live in us!

Also in the Church of Acts they gave up their things for the needs of their Brothers and Sisters.

Acts 2:45

“And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need.”

Now when I pray for my family, friends, or my Brothers and Sisters in need I look around my house and think, what can I give them that will point them to Jesus, who is the ultimate giver of life. I pray that I will die everyday and give everything away so that through my gifts they can see the love of God in every way.

Jesus gave away everything for us so we give away everything for others, our sisters and brothers.

People over Possessions!

What I can give away today so my family and friends can see the Jesus someday (salvation)?

Suggestions: Give the Gospel message, water, food, shelter, books, music, clothes.

Dying Everyday and Giving Everything Away,

Choong Man Kim (:DK)

source: DIVIN3KINGDOM.org