Paul, Barnabas, and Timothy

DIVIN3FELLOWSHIP  From left to right  Dan Schmitz, Choong Man Kim, Michael Lee, Dev Tejwani, Russell Jeung & David Sundman  & "Jumper" the Dog


From left to right

Dan Schmitz, Choong Man Kim, Michael Lee, Dev Tejwani, Russell Jeung & David Sundman

& "Jumper" the Dog

As Creative Disciples of the THE TRIUN3 GOD, Christians, Followers of Jesus Christ, we all need 3 types of friends:

  1. Paul = Mentors, people further along in their faith

  2. Barnabas = Encouraging Brother / Sister, people that are side by side in the faith

  3. Timothy = Disciples, Students, people you are bringing up in their faith

Paul was a great mentor

Barnabas was a great encouraging Brother

Timothy was a great student

Take time to write down your lists for Pauls, Barnabas’, and Timothies.

Write a plan of action to be mentored, grow deep friendships based in the fellowship of Jesus Christ, and mentor others.

We must have all 3 friends and be all 3 friends.

Let’s go find and become a Paul, Barnabas, and Timothy for THE TRIUN3 GOD!

Being a Paul, Barnabas, Timothy for THE TRIUN3 GOD,

Choong Man Kim (:DK)


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