Wisdom from People About to Die


My Dad, the great Reverend Yong Bae Kim called me earlier this week and asked my Wife and I if we wanted a fancy Tea Cup Cabinet. Me being an aspiring minimalist didn’t want it but being a good Hubby Bear I asked my Wife if she wanted it (take notes fellas, always ask your Wife). After thinking about it for a few short moments we said no, because we don’t want too many things in our house. Also I personally don’t really like having too many things that I can’t move on my own. My Dad and Mom tried to convince us that it was very nice and we should take it. We asked for a picture but they didn’t have one. We thought about it again and we said no again. (Then we second guessed ourselves)

Today was my Dad’s birthday so we picked up some delicious Chinese Food from the best Hole in the Wall Chinese Food in the Universe (Rose Garden in San Leandro, California) and went to my parents to enjoy and nice meal and fellowship. When we got there what did we see in the house, yes, you guessed it, the fancy Tea Cup Cabinet in all of its glory. Wow, they weren’t lying, it was the nicest Tea Cup Cabinet I have ever seen. (I’ve seen 3 in my life)

My Dad told me later it came from a couple from their congregation. The couple were very successful in life; they had great careers, made a lot of money, had very high status, and many nice things. The sad part was that they were both getting very old and also both got very sick so they had to move to a smaller place in a retirement community. They had to get rid of all their nice things and that’s why they were offering the fancy Tea Cup Cabinet to us because they knew were a newly wed couple and they wanted to bless us. My Mom said she had a really nice piano too but they gave that to someone else. WOW! I’d say yes in a heartbeat if it was piano!

Then my Dad started sharing his wisdom about how in the end of life all the money, status, and things we own don’t really matter. There are only two things that really matter in life. Our relationship with God and our relationships with people. He went on and said there are so many young people going after money, status, and things but everyone he meets that has all those things say they don’t matter. The only two things that matter are our relationship with God and our relationship with people.

Let’s refocus our energy today towards to two most important things of life: our relationship with God and our relationship with people.

Let’s learn from the wisdom of the people about to die and live today for our relationship with God and our relationships with people in our lives.

How can we grow our relationship with God today?

How can we grow our relationship with people today?

Let’s write it down and make it happen!

Learning from the Dying,

Choong Man Kim (:DK)

source: DIVIN3KINGDOM.org

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