The Beautiful Beckos!


The Beautiful Beckos!
J.R. - "The Coach" Awesome Husband + Dad, reminded me that in Marriage as Husbands we should all have a coach just like we have sports! #Wisdom (challenge him in Golf if you dare!)
Lisa - "Prayer Warrior" Always being a kind servant, encourager and prayer warrior!
Jacob - "Awesome Big Bro" (because I think he's already taller than me) Encouraging Pull Ups Coach + Tetherball Champion!
Luke - "Mr. Pink" The Ultimate Friend who is a strong leader by encouraging his friends around him!
Thankful + Grateful to God for having encouraging Brothers and Sisters like the Beckos that are positive influences for the Kingdom of God!
A common thread I notice in this family is that they are all very tall and encouraging!
(Yes, I was on my tipping toes in this picture!)
Can't wait for the next Faith Family Fun Fellowship at Yogurt Mill!

One Love,

Choong Man Kim (:DK)



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