Save & Invest!

Photo by @Jason_Betz

Photo by @Jason_Betz

Growing up I never really focused on finances. However now as an adult I realized how important learning about finances are. I’m so grateful I have people in my life that coach me about finances like my cousin Joe Park who is COO at First Republic Bank in Menlo Park and other people I can learn from online like Dave Ramsey or Tony Robbins. No matter who I learn from one of the basic principles of finances is to “Save & Invest.”

This made me reflect on how we as Children of God should be “Saving & Investing” in the sense that we have a mission to share the message of salvation (saving) and we have a calling to investing into others lives as Jesus invested in His disciples. We are called as Christians to “Save & Invest” or “Evangelize & Disciple.”

How can you share the message of salvation “The Gospel” with someone you care about today?

How can you invest in someone you care about in the ways of Jesus today?

How can we “Save & Invest” or “Evangelize & Disciple” for the Kingdom of God today?

Let’s help save as many souls as possible and invest in as many lives as possible for the glory, honor, and praise of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!


Saving & Investing for the Kingdom of God,

Choong Man Kim (:DK)


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