32,850 Days of Life


If you live to 90 years old you will have 32,850 days of life. (365 x 90 = 32,850)

If you live to 79 years old which is the life expectancy for the United States you will have 28,835 days of life.

If you live to 72 years old which is the life expectancy for the World you will have 26,280 days of life.

Right now I’m 38, let’s just be positive and believe that I’ll live up to 90 years old. That means I already lived 13,870 days of life (38 x 365). That would mean I have 18,980 days to live. (32,850 - 13,870 = 18,980)

Wow, 18,980 days of life left?!? And that’s if I live up to 90! This makes me realize how precious everyday is.

No one knows when they are going to die but even if we die of old age the days we have on earth are few.

I love hearing the stories about people who get diagnosed with a fatal disease and they have a dramatic life change. They will quit their jobs and go live the life of their dreams. They will go accomplish all the things they always wanted to do, spend time with loved ones, and make amends with those they have hurt or with the ones that they have been hurt by. The amazing thing is sometimes after doing all this some patients realize they don’t have the disease anymore or in the middle of this they overcome their illness. However, even if they overcome their illness, eventually they are going to die.

What if I diagnosed you today? What if I diagnosed you today with life? And you get a set number of days to not to live your dreams, but to LIVE GOD’S DREAM.

If you live up to 90 years old, how many days do you have left?

Take time to think why am I living today?

What does God want me to do today?

What’s stopping you from LIVING GOD’S DREAM for your life?

Let’s make everyday count for God’s Glory, for His Ultimate Beautiful Story!

Psalm 139:16

Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.

Living God’s Dream Everyday!

Choong Man Kim (:DK)

source: DIVIN3KINGDOM.org

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