Truth & Love


Truth without love is brutality. Love without truth is hypocrisy. The first time I read this was from John Stott’s “The Message of the Sermon on the Mount.” Jesus is a perfect combination of truth and love. Jesus is a prophet who tells us truth and at the same time He is a shepherd who shows us love. As followers of Christ we tend to lean on either the truth side or the love side neglecting the other.

The Gospel shares the truth with us that we are lost sinners in need of Savior. Jesus had to die for us. This gives us humility. However, the Gospel also shares love by emphasizing that Jesus wanted to die for us. The God of the Universe wanted to die for you and me. This gives us boldness and confidence that I am never worthless but I am “Worth a Son!” Not any son, but the #1 Son. The Son of God, Jesus. This means Jesus had to die for you and me but He also wanted to die for you and me. This combination of truth and love from Jesus gives to us a free gift called salvation that produces both truth and love, both humility and boldness.

Today, may we rest in the truth that Jesus had to die for us!

Today, may we rest in the love that Jesus wanted to die for us!

Today, and everyday may we rest in Jesus’ truth and love.

Resting in Jesus’ Truth and Love,

Choong Man Kim (:DK)


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