Ring Ring! Good Morning! Hello my name is...

Photo By: Quino Al @quinoal

Photo By: Quino Al @quinoal

You all are probably going to hate me but when I was younger one of my jobs was a telemarketer. The boss treated us well. I remember he gave all his workers free food. I was so overwhelmed with gratefulness that I didn’t have to pack a lunch to work. I was curious why he was so generous by giving us food everyday so I asked him and he said, “You treat your workers well and they will work well for you.” Kind of reminds me of when I visited my friend at Google and they get free food all day. It’s no surprise they are one of the top companies in the world, it’s because their workers are treated so well. Imagine if schools and churches started treated their teachers, pastors, and staff like this by giving them food everyday. I wonder if production would go up? My guess is yes.

When I was a telemarketer the culture emphasized enthusiasm, efficiency, and excellence. We had a script on what to say but the boss said you don’t have to follow this word by word just make sure you cover the main points. Read it over and over so you can make this your own. At first it was kind of weird because like most of you I hate telemarketers and now I have become one. However, the more and more I made calls, it became more fun and enjoyable. A few times I would call Spanish households unknowingly and when that happened I gave the contacts to my Spanish speaking co-worker so she can communicate with them.

I know this is a stretch but telemarketing is kind of like evangelism. The more you do it the better you will get at it and the more you “call” people the more likely the chance for them to say yes. Also if you can’t communicate with the person you can ask your friend who speaks the language to communicate with them like a translator or missionary. Lastly if you your boss treats you well, you will work well for him.

Yesterday morning Koala 🐨 Deb (DIVIN3WIFEY) and I went on a bike 🚲 ride on a nearby trail near our house 🏡. I decided to try out an experiment. I made it a goal to say, “Good Morning!” to every single person we would pass by. The more good mornings I said the more good mornings I got back.

Let’s make as many “calls” as we can today and share with people the greatest news of all time, “The Gospel” The company I worked for was a refinancing company that saved people money on their mortgage. Many of the customers were very thankful for our call because we helped them save money. Let’s call as many people as we can so we can do something that is even better than saving them money, our call can save their souls.

Ring Ring! Good Morning! Hello my name is Choong Man and I work for the Kingdom of God and I want to let you know about the greatest news of all time from 1 Corinthians 15:1-4

1 Now I would remind you, brothers and sisters, of the gospel I preached to you, which you received, in which you stand, 

and by which you are being saved, if you hold fast to the word I preached to you—unless you believed in vain.

For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, 

that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures

Who is God calling you to call today to share the Gospel with?

Let’s make a prayer list of who you want to be saved and let’s pray for them everyday and share with them the greatest news of all time, The Gospel!

Let’s share the Gospel, pray the Gospel, and live the Gospel!

Calling People to save more than money, Calling People to save their souls,

Choong Man Kim (:DK)

source: DIVIN3KINGODM.org

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