The Avocado Angel!

Photo by:  Estúdio Bloom @estudiobloom

Photo by: Estúdio Bloom @estudiobloom

One late night my wife Koala Deb and I were on a mission to find avocados for our Mom’s birthday the next day. For some weird reason every grocery store we went to all the avocados were as hard as a rock. We went to Smart & Final, Safeway, Sprouts, Whole Foods, and no luck of finding ripe avocados. Finally we went to Lucky and as we were looking around we saw a worker on break who over heard us looking for avocados and he said, “Follow me, I’ll show you where they are.” We journeyed to the opposite side of the store and he walked us all the way to the avocados. My wife check them and YES! They were ripe! VICTORY! I was so happy I gave that guy a hug and I called him “The Avocado Angel.” I honestly didn’t even see him there and he had the kindness of heart to walk us all the way over to the avocados on his break.

This made me reflect on how we need to be more like “The Avocado Angel.” Most of the time at the grocery store when I ask where something is the worker usually just tells me where it is, they don’t walk me to the item. We need to be people who listen closely to the needs of others and are willing to walk with them to find the solution. “There are many travel agents but we need more tour guides.” - John Maxwell. We need more leaders to walk people all the way to Jesus instead of just tell them where He is. Let’s be like “The Avocado Angel” and walk all the way with people until they find the solution, the ultimate solution, Jesus.

The Greek word “peripateo” translated “to walk” means:

  1. to make one's way, progress; to make due use of opportunities

  2. Hebrew for, to live

    1. to regulate one's life

    2. to conduct one's self

    3. to pass one's life

Matthew 14:29

He said, “Come.” So Peter got out of the boat and walked on the water and came to Jesus.

Let’s not walk in the front, let’s not walk from behind, let’s walk side by side with Jesus!

Who is God calling you “to walk” with today?

Walking With People All the Way to Jesus,

Choong Man Kim (:DK)


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