Welcome to DIVIN3FIVE at 5!

Where we talk about how to grow in our:

  • FA!TH (Motivational Monday)

  • FAM1LY (Together Tuesday)

  • FITNESS (Workout Wednesday)

  • FOCUS (Thoughtful Thursday)

  • FINANCE$ (Fund Friday)

From the Biblical Perspective.

Today is Tuesday so we are going to talk about how to grow our DIVIN3FAM1LY!

How do we grow our DIVIN3FAM1LY?

Luke 6:45

The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.

What you talk about it what you care about.

What do you talk about with your Family?

Jesus said in Luke 6:45

The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.

So what is overflowing out of your mouth to your family members?

A godly family reads the Bible, Prays, Witnesses and Serves others together for the glory of GOD.

How are you reading the word together with your family?

How are you praying together with your family?

How are you witnessing together with your family?

How are you serving others together with your family?

Today is the day you can start being a godly family!

When true conversion happens these are the natural overflows of actions that occur.

What if you’re the only believer in your home?

It’s important to use “M.A.P.S.”



Patiently Pray


Until the other members of your household want to follow.

Let’s not only talk about it but be about it!

It’s up to the leaders of the household to lead their families to GOD.


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