Welcome to DIVIN3FIVE @5 where we talk about how we can grow in our:

  • FA!TH (Motivational Monday)

  • FAM1LY (Together Tuesday)

  • FITNESS (Workout Wednesday)

  • FOCUS (Thoughtful Thursday)

  • FINANCE$ (Fund Friday)

From the Biblical perspective.

Today is Thoughtful Thursday so we’re going to talk about FOCUS.

“Most of what we say and do are none essential. If you can eliminate it, you’ll have more time, and more tranquility. Ask yourself at every moment, “Is this necessary?””

-Marcus Aurelius

John 3:30

He must increase, but I must decrease.

John the Baptist prayer and statement is something we should be meditating on everyday.

How can I be less and how GOD be more?

“What we do in life echoes in eternity.”

-Marcus Aurelius

What are you doing that doesn’t matter in the light of eternity?

If you eliminate everything in the your life that in none essential you will have true DIVIN3FOCUS.

You can use the 5 F’s of Life to start reflecting on what you need to eliminate to grow your:





so you can continue to SHINE THE DIVIN3 + LIVE GOD’S DREAM

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