How I Quit…

Whom Shall I Turn To? Photo by @JoshApplegate

Whom Shall I Turn To? Photo by @JoshApplegate

How I Quit Alcohol…

I will cut to the chase!

My dear Brother Mike asked if I wanted to go on a 30 day alcohol fast with him. I said sure. About 3 days into the fast I met with my Twin Brother David at In-N-Out Burger in Pleasanton, California. He was there with two other Brothers, Max and Sam who were also going through recovery. I was speaking openly with them my thoughts and sharing with them about my alcohol fast I just started with my Brother and I shared with them the thought by saying, “I just started this 30 day alcohol fast but I’m thinking I should quit forever.” All 3 of my Bros, David, Max, and Sam looked at me and said all at the same time like a beautiful chorus from a choir, “You should.” It’s like we were having a Celebration Recovery Meeting in the middle of In-N-Out Burger that day. There simple two words of “you should” gave me strength and power to help me quit alcohol forever!

I started to reflect how drinking also was effecting my relationship with my fiancé. She never asked me to quit but I knew it always broke her heart when I did. I was also trying to mentor someone in recovery while being an alcoholic. Several people asked me how I quit alcohol and I realized it was the power of God through relationships. It was the relationships of my Fiancé now my Wife (Koala Deb), and Brothers Mike, David, Max, and Sam that helped me quit. THANK YOU Deb, Mike, David, Max, and Sam!

The Apostle Paul said he wouldn’t even eat meat if it would cause his brother to stumble. He cared more about his relationship with his brother than his enjoyment of meat.

What do you think God is asking you to give up for the benefit of your relationships with God, Family, and Friends?

1 Corinthians 8:13

Therefore, if food makes my brother stumble, I will never eat meat, lest I make my brother stumble.

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